Oh, Hello There!

I'm Tyler, a computer science student at the University of Oklahoma.
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And this is what I look like.

About Me

Hey there! I'm Tyler, a computer science student at the University of Oklahoma, and your soon-to-be favorite tech enthusiast. Since 2018, I've been on a mission to make the world a bit more interesting with 63 (yes, I counted) applications using all the latest and greatest tech like React, Next.js, TypeScript, Kotlin, Python, and Langchain. You can find my geeky creations open-sourced on GitHub. Think of it as my own little Mars colonization project, but with code.

When I'm not glued to a screen, you'll find me leveling up in the latest video games, geeking out over robots, or sweating it out at the gym. Balance, right? Just trying to avoid turning into a full-time cyborg too soon.

Let's Connect

Enough about me, let's talk about you! Shoot me an email at tylergibbs048@gmail.com, and let's make something awesome together. Curious about what I'm reading? Check out my bookshelf! Maybe we can start a book club and discuss the finer points of Martian colonization.

Want to know more about my professional side? View/Download My Resume.

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